Tutoring Services
Tutoring is available in:
- Accounting/Economics/Finance
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- French/Spanish/Italian
- General Writing
- History
- Mathematics
- Organic Chemistry
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Sociology/Criminology
- Theology
Writing Support
Writing Conferences are available in:
- Pre-writing/Invention
- Organization of ideas
- Paragraph development
- Style/editing/proof-reading
- Citation format (MLA, APA)
Find Us
Learn how we can help you achieve success at Assumption! Tutoring appointments will take place via Zoom for the fall 2020 and spring 2021 semesters. The Academic Support Center is located on the 2nd floor of the d'Alzon Library.
Make an Appointment
Let's get started!
Accessing Virtual Peer Tutoring with the ASC
Step 1: Go to: asctutoring.assumption.edu and log into the Assumption Portal
Step 2: Find your session, then search availability
Step 3: Choose “Academic Support Center” then select your course
Step 4: Select any of the GREEN times that work for you (Don’t forget to include your mobile phone number, your professor's name and what you’d like for help in the notes! Then hit SAVE!)
IMPORTANT: Getting Ready to Meet Your Tutor
15 minutes before your appointment, visit asctutoring.assumption.edu. Under UPCOMING APPOINTMENTS a Zoom link will appear. Click on the Zoom link and meet your tutor! Tip, it is best to use a computer for tutoring appointments.
Contact Us!
Have a question? Need some help? Contact the staff at the Academic Support Center!
Allen Bruehl
Director, Academic Support Center
Amy Hurley
Assoc. Dir. for Student Success